bufo alvarius THERAPY

Private 1-on-1 bufo Ceremonies & Retreats

Barcelona, Spain, Europe

Mazunte, Mexico

What Is Bufo Alvarius?

Bufo Alvarius is the most powerful entheogenic medicine known to mankind. The Sacred Medicine comes from the Sonoran desert toad. It is also known as the Colorado River toad, DMT toad, DMT frog, or Incilius Alvarius.

This powerful psychedelic is renowned for its loving and transformative qualities. It ushers you into a realm of healing and spiritual elevation like no other.

Diving into the Experience

The Bufo Alvarius toad venom is carefully gathered**, dried, and smoked, causing a quick and strong altered state of consciousness. The psychedelic experience is characterized by vivid light visuals, overwhelming feelings of euphoria, and a profound sense of spiritual awakening.

The Chemistry of Transformation

At the heart of this sacred medicine are two powerful compounds: bufotenine and 5-MeO-DMT.

Interestingly, 5-MeO-DMT is a natural neurotransmitter in the brain. Our brains produce elevated quantities of this psychedelic substance during moments of transcendence, such as birth, near-death experiences, deep meditation, and ultimately, passing from this life. This mystical compound is often referred to as the "DMT Spirit Molecule" or "God Molecule."

**Ethical Sourcing

At the heart of my practice lies a commitment to ethical sourcing. Please verify the source of the toad secretion before joining a 5-MeO-DMT / Bufo Alvarius ceremony.

bufo ceremony

what are the benefits of
a bufo alvarius Ceremony?

  • Ego Dissolution: A Bufo ceremony experience can induce temporary ego death, creating a deep connection with the universe and freeing people from ego restrictions.

  • Spiritual Awakening: Bufo Alvarius therapy helps people have a spiritual awakening, understand reality, and reach higher consciousness levels.

  • Healing from Trauma: This powerful psychedelic has shown promise in healing deep-seated traumas, providing lasting emotional healing and personal growth.

  • Anxiety and Depression Relief: Bufo therapy helps with anxiety and depression by changing negative thoughts and promoting emotional well-being, according to scientific research.

  • Addiction and Self-Harming Behavior Relief: A Bufo medicine ceremony benefits those with addiction and self-harming behavior, helping people to make healthier choices.

  • Psychosomatic Healing: Bufo experiences address mental and emotional blockages, often resolving physical ailments rooted in psychosomatic illnesses.

  • Enhanced Self-Understanding: Learn more about yourself and your purpose in life through personal insights gained from journeys with the 5-MeO-DMT Spirit Molecule.

  • Higher States of Consciousness: The DMT toad medicine allows access to higher consciousness, promoting spiritual growth and connection to the universe.

spiritual awakening
bufo alvarius ceremony Isa Lucia

what does a bufo ceremony
look like?

Whether you seek personal growth, spiritual awakening, or profound healing, my ceremonies provide a safe and supportive environment for your journey.

  • Bufo Alvarius is a very strong and sacred medicine, and I use it with great humility and respect in my work.


    To maintain a positive and grounded state, I do 2-4 hours of spiritual practice each day. I focus on Self-Enquiry meditation and Hatha Yoga, following the teachings of Ramana Maharshi and Non-Dual traditions.

    I understand that bufo experiences are non-dual. With my knowledge of non-dual teachings, I can help you integrate your experience.


    Growing up with parents who are both medical doctors, I was exposed to medicine and healthcare from a young age. I have a Master's degree in biomedical engineering and a strong medical background. This helps me understand the body's needs and reactions from a chemical and neurological point of view.

    I learned First-Aid and stay updated on Bufo Alvarius, 5-MeO, and psychedelic therapy research.

    I create a safe and supportive setting for you to discover the transformative power of this medicine.

  • When you express interest in a ceremony, I will quickly send you an intake form to fill out. This form asks about your medical history.

    After you've completed and returned the intake form, we can move forward with the preparation process and schedule a preparation call. During this call, we'll address any questions you may have and have the opportunity to get to know each other better.

  • Once you have confirmed your ceremony date, you will receive a detailed preparation guide. This guide will assist you in preparing emotionally, mentally, and spiritually for the life-changing experience that lies ahead.

    Additionally, you'll have the opportunity for one preparation call, where we can delve deeper into your readiness.

    For those who desire more personalized preparation support, I offer preparation & integration coaching sessions, which can be scheduled separately. To explore these sessions further, click here.

  • A ceremony includes:

    • Time to Arrive

    • Aromatic Plant Bath

    • Light Somatic Exercises

    • Breathing Exercise

    • Practicing the method of inhaling

    • Opening the Ceremony

    • Taking the medicine

    • Closing the Ceremony

    • Time for Questions and Integration

    A Bufo toad ceremony takes about 2 to 3 hours in total; arriving in the space, preparation, taking the medicine and integration. The day of the ceremony you are guided throughout the whole experience.

    I prepare the space physically and energetically beforehand. When you arrive, we will first take some time to settle into the space together and address any further doubts or questions you might have. I will give you an aromatic plant bath to protect you energetically during the ceremony. We then continue with some opening exercises for the body and mind. We will also practice the method of taking the medicine together, so you feel comfortable.

    The toad secretion is inhaled as vapor and the effects of the Spirit Molecule are felt within a few seconds and with great intensity. After smoking Bufo, the intense experience, also referred to as ‘the peak’, begins in less than 1 minute and last for about 5 to 20 minutes. After the peak, the intensity slowly fades. Most people feel residual effects for up to an hour after having inhaled the substance.

    During your Bufo ceremony, I play live music from shamanic instruments and I sing to guide you and add to the magic.

    The echoes of the experience continue to be felt long after the ceremony. The resonance of the medicine allows for deep meditation and contemplation for months.

  • I work with personalized dosages. This means that we will decide your dosage depending on the intake conversation we had, your past experiences with entheogenic medicines and your sensitivity.

    If it is our first time working together, we will start with an introductory dose. This is a low to medium dose where the effects of the medicine can be clearly felt, without it being too much. Based on how you experienced your introductory dose we can work our way up to a higher dosde. This can be done in the same ceremony.

    With personalized doses, my aim is to find your sweet spot where you have a very powerful experience, and also are able to stay consciously present during that experience. Working like this is much better for integration and thus also shows more therapeutic benefits longer term (i.e. it is hard to properly integrate an experience that you do not remember).

  • Integration is a crucial aspect of your 5-MeO-DMT / Bufo Alvarius journey. It's where you take profound insights and transform them into new habits, contributing to a more fulfilling life.

    I provide detailed integration guidelines and ongoing support, driven by deep gratitude for the profound work you're doing for yourself and the collective.

    If you are seeking more personalized integration assistance, I also provide integration coaching sessions that can be booked separately. To learn more about these sessions, click here.

  • The pricing for a ceremony can fluctuate based on factors like the location, the choice between a single session or a retreat, and the availability of the medicine. To obtain specific details regarding the Bufo ceremony cost, please don't hesitate to contact me. Your inquiries are kept confidential.

safety & awareness

Bufo medicine, like any substance, carries potential risks. Bufo and 5-Meo-DMT therapy must be conducted safely and with proper awareness. I conduct a thorough medical and mental health screenings, prior to your Bufo experience to ensure a safe environment throughout the ceremony.

  • It's important to note that sapo Bufo Alvarius may not be suitable for everyone. Individuals with certain medical and psychological conditions should exercise caution. We prioritize your safety, conducting comprehensive screening to ensure a secure journey.

    People with the following conditions are strongly advised not to take the toad medicine or participate in a bufo medicine ceremony:

    Someone with a history of psychosis or very unstable mental states • Schizophrenia, schizoaffective, and other psychotic conditions • Bipolar disorders, particularly Bipolar I Disorder • Taking SSRI, SNRI, or MAOI medication (present in most anti-depressants) • Antisocial, Borderline, or Narcissistic Personality Disorder • Active Suicidality • Uncontrolled Hypertension • Advanced cardiovascular conditions such as arrythmias, heart failure, coronary artery disease, angina or chest, myocardial infarction, stroke, TIA, or bleeding and clotting conditions • Severe respiratory illness • Liver or kidney failure • Epilepsy or seizure disorders • Traumatic Brain Injury

  • One of the most significant risks associated with Bufo therapy is overdose. Doses need to be personalized according to the individuals’ sensitivity. Incorrect dosing can result in physical and/or psychological trauma.

    The dosing for natural Bufo Alvarius toad venom and synthetic 5-MeO-DMT is different. With natural the natural Bufo experience, there is up to 30% variance possible from the measured amount.

    Overdose can result in a range of dangerous symptoms, including serotonin syndrome, seizures, coma, and even death.

  • While many people report the effects of Bufo therapy to be extremely positive, some people with underlying mental health conditions are at risk to experience intense psychological distress.

    The psychedelic toad venom can trigger intense anxiety, paranoia, and hallucinations, and some users may experience long-lasting psychological effects, including flashbacks and persistent anxiety.

    It is therefore important to work with an experienced facilitator who conducts a proper medical and mental health history screening to make sure that the dosing for your Bufo experience is done correctly.

  • In addition to psychological risks, Bufo Alvarius ceremonies can also pose physical risks. People can move in an unpredictable way during their Bufo experience and it is important that measures are taken so the person does not accidentally hurt themselves, e.g. not having any sharp objects nearby and taking the medicine on a mat with ample moving space. 

    The Bufo toad venom can cause rapid heartbeat, high blood pressure, and other cardiovascular symptoms, which can be dangerous for people with pre-existing heart conditions. In some cases, users have also reported respiratory distress.

    Some people purge during their Bufo experience. In these cases especially, it is very important to have a Bufo facilitator to make sure that the person does not have difficulty breathing.

  • Bufo medicina opens us to higher states of consciousness and opens our energy field. This can be immensely beautiful, yet it can also be dangerous if the setting in which we are taking sapo Bufo Alvarius is not carefully curated.

    It is important that you feel good in the environment in which you are taking the medicine and that the people who are present during your Bufo ceremony have pure intentions.If something feels off, it is probably best not to proceed with the ceremony.

    Spiritual protection during the Bufo experience is very important. Ideally, you are working with an experienced Bufo facilitator who can hold space energetically while you are immersed in the mystical experience of the toad medicine.

  • During experiences with the Bufo Alvarius toad, you are completely open and vulnerable. For this reason it is absolutely crucial that you are working with someone who is trustworthy, competent, and with pure intentions.

    There have been reports of facilitators tasering people and sexually abusing them. Be aware of facilitators who take credit for the profound experiences of their clients after the Bufo Alvarius / 5-MeO-DMT ceremony. A facilitator is there to hold space, not to infuse their energy or presence in your experience.

    If you do not feel good with your facilitator for whatever reason, listen to this intuition. Your body knows.

The most significant risks are the following:

Isa Lucia Sunset
Bufo toad
There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled.
There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled.
You feel it, don’t you?
— Rumi